Resveratrol is a non-flavonoid phenol found in the skin of grapes which is believed to have an anti-teratogen action and promote the liquefaction of the blood, which may limit the occurrence of thrombotic plaques. Resveratrol has been identified in the research originated to explain the “French paradox”, in which it was noted that the French population in southern France, with foods comparable to that of certain regions of the USA, was less susceptible to medical problems of a cardiovascular nature. Some 500 publications in prestigious journals such as Nature, Science, The Lancet and many international patents show the current great interest in the scientific world about this molecule.

The chemical-physical and biological properties of resveratrol that have attracted considerable interest in the field of cosmetic dermatology include the anti-oxidant and radical scavenger activity of the molecule, its anti-inflammatory and vascular dilatory effects, its ability to stimulate cell proliferation and the synthesis of collagen, its inhibitory action on proteases and its ability to block uVB radiation in an effective and selective manner.

International experimental research has shown that the properties of resveratrol are higher than those of the vitamins C and of beta-carotene, and that resveratrol has a synergistic antioxidant effect with these vitamins.
